
Created as part of Unity Game Design & Development course.

Dodge and take down as many enemies as you can before you're sucked into the black hole!


Black hole. Using pre-existing artwork, I programmed it to grow over time and suck the player in if they get too close. Reducing the player's speed and destroying them once they reach the centre.

Menu & in-game UI. Imported new font and artwork to create more visually interesting menus.

Power-ups. Created two different power-ups: one to increase player speed, and one to shrink player size.

Scene transition. Created a circle wipe effect when moving between scenes.

How I would improve this game in future

  • Better controls- Change input system/controls to use space bar to accelerate in direction that the ship is facing. As this was a pre-existing project and my C# knowledge is limited, changing the movement to make it feel fun proved to be outside of my ability range!
  • Consistent art style.
  • Narrative running through to a second level, what happens on the other end of the black hole!?


Planets, space background, power up artwork: DinV Studio (

Thaleah Fat font: Tiny Worlds (

Course Leader: Brian Winn

Made by Roban Colyer


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